Want to Do Good Work with Good People for Good Causes?
Join Our Dynamic Team
At IGC, We Emphasize Customer Success and Employee Experience. We….
focus on people, purpose, profits
We help passionate people collaborate to drive innovation, achieve economic success, and make a meaningful impact. No egos or silos!
get stuff done
We’re more than consultants. We’re practitioners who roll up their sleeves and help you meet your goals.
help in good times and bad
From a new initiative to a public crisis, we are here to help you navigate complex social, environmental and political situations.
insist on civil discourse
By the nature of our work, we must talk about polarizing topics; therefore, respect, trust and open communication are paramount.
aren't woke
We believe ESG, DEI and any other acronym for social good are competitive advantages, not agendas.
stay proactive and protective
We get ahead of events and headlines that could put your reputation and revenue at risk.
lead at work and beyond
From nonprofit board service to political advocacy, we use our resources and skills to make a positive impact in our communities.
collaborate over coffee
The issues we work on are too big for one organization to solve on its own. We create partnerships with other companies, nonprofits, academic institutions, and government agencies.
evolve the 9 to 5
We focus on accountability, action, and results, not timesheets. We recognize different workstyles and redefine the “workday.
geek out over technology
We have a strong focus on testing, adopting, and building technology to help our team and our clients achieve results. Art above created by AI.
expertly "translate"
We are highly skilled at turning complex subjects and datasets into meaningful messages.
never settle for status quo
We are future-focused, constantly learning and iterating by looking at data and sharing stories.
are more than our jobs
We are humans with needs and passions. We take health, wellness and family seriously.